Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I can't believe how fast the time has gone. We had a blast in San Diego and at Sea World, the kids loved seeing all the different sea life. It was great to be back together as a family and literally have nothing to worry about. It's too bad that the most stressful part of your day cannot always be what to have for dinner. We have been back home for a good month and it feels like it has taken this long to get back in to the groove.
This is probably the hardest time of year for me, there is just too much good food to eat! So far I have been able to maintain my weight and lose a couple more pounds. I feel better now than I have in a long time. I used to get head aches all the time, for anyone who has experienced that you know how bad it can be. I rarely get a headache now and I have found that if I do get one I can cure it by going to the gym. As long as I exercise my shoulders and back the headache usually goes away. You probably guessed that I only get one if I have been slacking!

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